So after the long heatwave, we finally have showers here in the UK. To top it we have been having thunderstorms for the past 2 days.
And if that was not enough, it’s vacation time for kids. Yes !!!!!!!!
So everyone is at home first because of the pandemic & now because of the rains.
So, the kids are home and it‟s raining. You know what comes next, right?
” Mumma … I am hungry”
“ I‟m bored!!!”
“ There‟s nothing to do!”
” I am Bored !!!”
” Can I play Xbox”
” I am Bored”
” I want to watch something on Netflix / Disney / Amazon Prime”
” I am Bored”
And this goes on & on & on …….
If you are a Parent (Especially a Mom) you know exactly what I am talking about.
They can’t go for outside play because it’s too soggy out there and you really don’t want them sitting like zombies in front of the electronic babysitter for hours, or playing video games till their grey matter starts to have the consistency of Swiss Cheese, do you?
No, you don’t. You’re a good parent, a responsible parent. You know that by stimulating their little minds and encouraging their natural creativity and desire to be active you’re continuing to be a good parent.
There’s nothing worse than an idle child with nothing to do, so why not give them some simple and easy to do crafts or you could do some Indoor Activities For Kids? If you’re not a crafty person (and a lot of us aren’t) it might seem a bit daunting to you.
But we can look at some not so difficult but exciting craft activity ideas for kids.
Perhaps the last craft you created was when you pressed your hand into some clay in grade school to make a gift for your mother or father. If that‟s so, don‟t panic. All it takes for you to be able to do this is a little ingenuity—and some planning ahead.
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Planning for Craft Activity
The first option, you’ll need a craft box. You can make this as difficult or as simple as you want. I’ve had friends who have simply taken a cardboard box with a lid, written “Craft Box” on the top and filled it with their goodies.
Others take the same box and have turned it into a work of art by affixing feathers and buttons and even painted pictures on it. It all depends on what amount of effort and time you want to put into it. After all, it‟s not the box
but what‟s inside that count in the end.
The second option, designate a drawer in your kitchen as the craft drawer and fill it with your goodies.
You can use a tackle box for your small craft box. They‟re great because they have little compartments for holding your small stuff—like googley eyes, rhinestones, buttons or pieces of glass.
The bigger compartment can hold your glue gun and large pieces of felt and any other crafty items you‟ve
got. You can also purchase any size plastic tub to use for a craft box—in fact some empty tubs are made for just such a purpose. They come with drawers and trays with lots of compartments to store your items.
However you make or buy your craft box, make sure it‟s special to your children.
Another great idea is to use an over the door plastic shoe holder. They are fairly cheap and you store a LOT of items in them without taking up a drawer or any counter space in your kitchen.
Because the little plastic areas are see-through, you‟re instantly organized! You can see everything you have at
a glance.
Fill’er Up!
There are some essentials you‟ll want for your rainy day craft box. Of course, those items will include glue, glue sticks, paper, scissors, crayons, markers and even perhaps some water-based paints.
Children can do the most creative things with the most innocuous items and you can help them make things on the cheap. Having fun doesn’t have to be expensive!
If you have young children, make sure that you keep the small craft items out of reach so they’re no danger of choking.
As I said before, you can fill up your craft box, or drawer, or over-the-door craft holder relatively inexpensively.
What I like to do is pick up things at garage sales or thrift stores. Buttons, small pieces of coloured glass and paper. Lots and lots of paper, in all sizes and colours and shapes.
When I’m doing a project and I‟ve cut up paper, I never throw the unused pieces away. Rather, I keep them and put them into my craft box. You never know when they might come in handy.
Sadly with that logic, I have made my house a museum ????♀️ So when you have the urge to keep unused stuff do it sensibly or would end like me.
You may want to store coloured pieces of felt, bottle cleaners, googly eyes and any other item that seems odd but could come in handy later. Never toss anything out without first putting it in your craft box—just in case.
Aluminium foil is also a must-have for your craft box. Even old socks, ones that your children have outgrown or ones that your husband has gotten holes in can be used for exciting craft ideas! I have tons of pairs (Don’t overdo)
Craft Activity Ideas
Here are a few rainy-day craft ideas to keep your kids busy when they‟re trapped inside. Most can be done using items found around your home so they‟re fun AND inexpensive!
Table of Contents
Tinfoil Shapes
You‟ll need some tin foil and your imagination only. Take a sheet of foil and squeeze it, ball it up, shape it into something fun.
Use enough aluminium foil to firmly twist and ball up to the desired design. You can mount it on a wood block with a glue gun, or thumbtacks. For an extra challenge try to make a body shape, that will balance on a string tied tightly
between two chairs.
Make figures and make a play with them. Using yarn, you can attach hair to them with a glue gun.
Potato Prints

You’ll need
Poster paint or tempera
Paper, cardboard, or wood
sharp knife
- Cut potatoes in half or thirds.
- Draw desired design onto potato with the pencil.
- Young children can carve their whole design with the pencil but if more
detail is preferred, an adult needs to cut around the pencil outline. - Place paint in tray or paper plate in a thin layer.
- Press potato design into paint and firmly press
onto paper for impression.
Don’t have Paint ????
Coloring with marker onto the potato works as well although
it produces a lighter effect.
Mom’s Tip: Practice a couple of times to get the feel for how much paint you want on your print.
To accomplish a textured effect try letting layers dry and adding prints on top in different colors.
3D Layered Butterflies & Dragonflies
Making Stamps

You’ll need
Any of these items
Rubber erasers, Corkboard, Styrofoam, cardboard
Inner tube rubber, Felt squares
Sharp utility knife
ink pad
Glue gun
- Cut the desired shape out of a rubber eraser for example:
The tip of a pencil eraser will form a circle,
Add notches to create flowers, carve letters
( don’t forget to reverse for printmaking) - When using felt, cork or cardboard attach the stamp
to a wood block with a glue gun.
Two inch dowel pieces work well. - Press stamps onto ink pad and press on paper.
Mom’s Tip:
Stamps will last longer if you keep a damp sponge at work area to dab after each color.
Sock Puppets

Making a sock puppet:
Socks, all kinds and colours
Glue gun
Googly eyes
No one can resist a sock puppet. Use any kind of sock—the more colourful
the better. Using a glue gun, attach yarn hair, maybe even a yarn
moustache. Stick eyes on, wait till everything is dry and then have a puppet
show! Recreate a scene from one of your favourite cartoons. Use a pink sock
and make Patrick, a yellow sock to make Sponge Bob.
Using a cardboard box, you can create a stage where your sock puppets can
put on plays. With a bit of creativity, you can have hours of fun!
Bread and Glue Clay

Easy Recipe
You‟ll need :
8 slices of day-old white bread
(Less expensive fluffy type)
1 /2 C. White Glue
Food color
Flour for work space
Wax paper
To Make:
Remove Crusts. Break bread into small pieces and put in mixing bowl. Pour glue over bread.
Mix with one hand until it becomes a sticky mass. Take the out of the bowl and form into a ball. With both hands keep patting into a smaller ball until it becomes just slightly tacky.
Dust work surface with a small amount of flour and knead gently until it becomes smoother and more pliable. Knead firmly at this time. Knead until the texture is satiny, about 5 mins.
Wrap tightly with plastic to store. Remember to seal the unused portion while working.
To colour dough tear of portion needed, flatten and add colour directly onto the dough. Blend until satiny again.
Add flour, if needed to achieve the proper texture. Air dry. Drying times vary depending on thickness.
To speed up drying place on a cookie sheet and leave overnight in an unlit oven. Paint with acrylic paints
(optional) and seal with a spray-on finish.
Finger Painting

There’s nothing more exciting to a child than getting themselves all dirty. As parents and caregivers, we’re always telling them to stay clean, to wash their hands and don‟t touch.
Now you’re going to give them the opportunity to touch and to get dirty and to play!
You’ll need some water-soluble finger paints. They come in all colours and they’re so much fun! Whether from a squeeze bottle or a jar—dipping their little fingers into the wet muck gives them tactile sensations and a creative
You‟ll need paper and paints. Also, it would be a good idea to have the child wear old clothing or an apron to keep the paint from their clothing.
Would also help if you have some water & paper towels for the clean up after finger painting.
Make sure you have some print paper/easel paper/A4 size paper so that kids can create memories on them.
Another thing to keep in mind so as to not mess up your table is to cover it with either newspaper or disposable cloth.
So let’s get them started. Give them different colours to blend & make a new colour. Then let their creativity go wild.
These are just a few craft activity ideas for kids to get you started on making some exciting memories with your children—as well as keeping their little imaginations active during dull and rainy days.
So you see, getting started with the craft activities need not be an expensive affair. Also, I am sure you would like to get on with some budget activities on the non-rainy days. Do check this blog post on 10 Easy Steps to Have Fun on a Budget .
Also, for some kids, rainy days can be fun to play outside. For these fun-loving kids, you can also check some Outdoor Rainy Day Activities.
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Do let me know your thoughts on these activities. You can also share some of the activities that you do with your kids. I always love to get your feedback. So do keep giving your feedback & thoughts in our comment section or if you prefer to mail us feel free to email us at
Awaiting your read all your thoughts.
Awesome ideas for kids. I like the craft ideas because it’s fun to do with kids.
Yes they sure are fun activities. Thanks for your feedback.
I will be working as a nanny from September, and we live in the UK, so these rainy craft activities will come in very very handy! Thank you for sharing them x
UK & rain … tell me about it ???????????????? Guess what, I am in Manchester. There are hardly any sunny days here. So rainy day craft ideas come in handy even for me.
Great you are going to work as Nanny. All the Best for your new endeavour and thanks for your feedback.
Fab post, I could definitely do with some of these today. I’m afraid finger painting is probably my creative limit. I’m so bad at crafts!
Thanks, Stacey. Me too not very good at crafts, that’s why these easy craft ideas. Even I can try my hand on these rainy day craft activities.
Thanks for your feedback.
I’ll be passing this on to the people I know who have children who need a bit of direction on those indoor, rainy days — great ideas!
Thank you so much Molly. Really appreciate it.
These are some great ideas. Potato stamps are something I used to enjoy when I was little.
Oh yes. Even my husband said he liked the potato stamps idea. Thanks
I like the activities suggested, however, more than that I appreciate that you have simplified it by stating how to create a craft corner, set aside space in kitchen, have a box ready just making us think it should’nt be that difficult afterall.
That is such sweet feedback, Vanessa. Thank you so much.
Lovely fun ideas. I love to do with my kiddo. ????
Thanks dear. I am sure you both will have fun with these craft ideas.
Great ideas! As a kindergarten teacher, I know how much fun kids have making crafts. And there is no reason they can’t do them at home too! Thanks for sharing these ideas.
Oh, thank you for such wonderful feedback.
Love this! When I was younger my parents always did things like this with me, and I really enjoyed getting creative! Thanks for sharing x
That is lovely. Thanks for your feedback.
Sounds like These are great ideas to keep in mind!
Thanks Elisa for your feedback.
Great ideas, love the potato stamp! I also love the idea of using a shoe organizer for supplies – going to try it!
Thanks, Sara. It’s great to see many are liking the potato stamp activity. Even I find it interesting & easy to do the activity. Thanks for your feedback.
This is very helpful. Thank you for sharing ❤️
Thanks, Joyce for your feedback.
All of the rain that we were having here in the South in the USA was wearing me down because of bored kiddos. These are great activities for us to use the next time we are in this situation again.
They surely are of good use during rainy days. Thanks for your feedback.
I never made bread clay before. This is a great way to make use of old bread. I forgot about sock puppets. I’m going to have to try that. These ideas will be fun.
We used to play with sock puppets during our childhood days. Was fun. It’s great to know you liked these craft ideas.
Some great ideas here. Tin foil shapes would be such a fun activity. The possibilities are endless xxx
Thanks for your feedback
This is super cute! I loved reading this post, love those ideas.
Thanks for your lovely feedback.
These are so fun! I was just looking for ideas for crafts to make with my toddlers throughout the wintertime! THANKS!
Thanks Bri for your feedback. Hope your toddlers like the activities.
These are fabulous craft ideas! I will refer back to these with my daughter. We love to do crafts together.
Thanks Dana for your feedback.
These are great ideas! I am a huge fan of kids using their creativity rather than watching screens. Screen time drives me nuts!
That’s lovely. Thanks for your feedback.
These rainy crafts activity are a lot of fun most especially the suck puppet and the finger painting. Kids will def love it.
It feels very good to know that kids love these craft ideas. They are fun activities for kids to be engaged in. Thanks for your feedback.
Lovely ideas for crafts, those sock puppets look super cute. The bread and glue to make the little dolls sound like a great idea as well.Wonderful share.
Thanks Nisha for your feedback.
So great to have on hand for those rainy days.
Thanks Danielle. Appreciate your feedback.
These are all fun ideas. As a kid I remember doing the potato prints and loved it.
Thanks Ashley for your feedback.
I struggle with keeping the kids busy on rainy days, and these are all great ideas. It is nice to have some ways to keep the little ones occupied.
Same here. It is difficult to keep them busy. Thanks for your feedback.
These are all fantastic ideas, I think my favorite that I want to try is making stamps using erasers.
Even I like these craft ideas. Thanks for your feedback.
So many amazing rainy day craft ideas. They all sound prefect for any child to enjoy.
Thanks Charlotte.
Great post! rainy day activities are a must for young children to stay entertained. thanks for sharing x
Thanks, dear for your feedback.
Oohh! I LOVE these ideas!
I’m going to have to jot down the list of items that you suggested since I just created a space in the apartment for craft supplies and my mind went blank on what to get! THANK YOU.
I will definitely have to try the sock puppet and potato painting because I’ve never tried either of those and I think my kids would LOVE it! I think I used to do the eraser stamps as a kid, it does sound familiar! Thanks for sharing!!!
Christina | Raising My Three and Me
Hey Christina, Thank you so much for your feedback. Really appreciate you sharing your experience. Thanks