Guest Post

Be a Guest Writer

Thanks for your interest in writing a guest post for Mom Kid Life. I’m always looking for great original articles which can help and inspire parents all over the world.

At Mom Kid Life, I write articles on Pregnancy, Motherhood & Parenting at the moment. I am looking to expand my horizon of articles in the Mom & Family Blog niche. Thus, I would love to collaborate with other Mom Bloggers & give them my platform to showcase their work in this niche.

From my Guest Mom Blogger Writers, I am looking for posts that focus on:

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Postpartum
  • Motherhood
  • Breastfeeding/ formula feeding
  • Baby Sleeping
  • Tips and tricks for the first year of motherhood (newborns and babies)
  • Positive Birth Stories
  • General Parenting Tips / Experiences

Guidelines for Guest Posts

Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:

  1. Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and if it’s something original that has not been published on any website before then your chances of being accepted are high.
  2. Posts must be your OWN WORK. Plagiarism or Copyrighted work will not be accepted.
  3. If quoting any other person, you will have to give the original source of the quote.
  4. All posts should be 1000 to 2000 words. The only exception is for positive birth stories, where there are no minimum word count requirements.
  5. It will be appreciated if your post is grammatically correct
  6. The use of bullets, lists and short paragraphs is highly encouraged as it makes reading much easier.
  7. The post should be SEO compliant using keywords and long-tail keywords. To make the article more SEO inclusive Mom Kid Life reserves the right to make necessary changes in the content they finally publish.
  8. No Affiliate links will be allowed
  9. Mom Kid Life may add relevant affiliate links
  10. You can add up to 2 links pointing to your own blog provided they are relevant to the topic of the post. Links deemed to be irrelevant to the main topic of your post will be removed.
  11. You will receive writing credit for your guest post & you should not post the same article or part thereof on any other website or social media platform.
  12. You can promote your Guest Post on your own Website, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or other social media platforms via a link to the article on Mom Kid Life Website
  13. Mom Kid Life does not give compensation of any kind for guest post submissions at this time.
  14. If your guest post is promoting your commercial website then Mom Kid Life may charge you for the links in your guest post pointing to your commercial website. To discuss please email at

Terms of Submission

  1. To make the article more SEO inclusive Mom Kid Life reserves the right to make necessary changes in the content they finally publish.
  2. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to edit the post so as to keep in line with the principles of the Mom Kid Life website
  3. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to make minor changes to the content from time to time to make it relevant for any changed circumstances & times and not necessarily inform the author.
  4. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to add and remove any links in the post even after it is published.
  5. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to refuse publication of any post that is submitted
  6. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to remove the published post without any prior notice to the guest post writer.
  7. Mom Kid Life is not answerable to the Guest Post Writer for any change, edit or removal of the post without prior notice to the Guest Post Writer.
  8. Guest post writer will receive writing credit for the post if published
  9. Mom Kid Life reserves the right to give one link to the guest post writer’s website. The guest post writer may or may not get a link to their social media handles.
  10. If the Guest Writer has their own website/blog, they should have a mention of this guest post on their website by directing the link of the guest post to Mom Kid Life website.
  11. Mom Kid Life does not give any kind of compensation for the Guest Post submitted or published.
  12. If your guest post is promoting your commercial website then Mom Kid Life may charge you for the links in your guest post pointing to your commercial website. To discuss please email at

How to Submit Guest Posts

Please email me at & at with the following:

  1. A draft of your guest post in word doc.
  2. A short bio (50 words max) with your photo
  3. A link to your blog
  4. Any images that you want to include in your post should have obtained copyright protection & should be able to provide evidence of the same, or the images/video will not be accepted.

What happens after Submission of Guest Post?

  1. Once your guest post is submitted Mom Kid Life will review it and if accepted, will get in touch with you.
  2. You will then be asked to accept the terms of submission by email.
  3. Mom Kid Life will then contact you with the details of when your article will go live.
  4. Once your article is published Mom Kid Life will share it on its social media platforms. You can share it on your website and other social media platforms by linking it to the article on the Mom Kid Life website.
  5. You retain the rights to your article. You will receive writing credit for your guest post & you should not post the same article or part thereof on any other website or social media platform.

Mom Kid Life is looking forward to collaborating with you. So what are you waiting for? Grab your pen and get started.

If you have any questions or doubts feel free to get in touch with me by email on &

Note: Mom Kid Life in this post refers to the website & Myself (Owner of the website)