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Guest Post By Samidha Raj on Creative Writing for Kids
Creativity is a quality that we all have buried inside of us, one way or the other. It involves the invention of something new or the re-invention of something already existing to make it useful and interesting.
Writing is the most ancient form of expressing thoughts. Language skills and writing help us to communicate with others.
Creative writing for kids enables them to develop crucial new-age skills required to succeed right from preschool till university and beyond.
Let us look at Best 8 Creative Writing Strategies to encourage children to use creative writing as a routine activity.
Table of Contents
1. Writing Space
First things first, create a special corner in the house for your child to use as a writing centre. Equip it with colourful pencils, erasers and writing paper. Let your child arrange it so that there is a feeling of ownership while boosting their self-confidence. This in turn will help their creative writing imagination run wild.
2. Foster Reading Habits
Reading helps children expand their vocabulary while broadening their knowledge base. Try to invest in books of different topics to encourage reading habits and produce above-average writing work. Online sites like ‘Scribd’ and ‘Story place’ are good places to start if you want your child to read books online.
3. Encourage Them To Write
Start with appreciating whatever they write. Avoid trying to correct their spelling or grammar. Teach your child the use of essential planning tools like mind maps, flowcharts for their writing activity. This helps them learn the skill of planning their work more effectively. The use of color also adds interest in writing and makes it more interesting. For more assistance, they can use different creative writing books.
4. Connect Current Interests
As they grow, children develop varied interests in every stage of their life. As a pre-schooler, she might fancy a dollhouse but as a second-grader, she might be more interested in science activities while as a fifth-grader she might find board games most interesting. Encourage them to write about their current interests and they will love to write about them.
5. Use Games As Prompts
Playing simple party games can act as a prompt for them to write about. This aids in developing creative thinking and writing skills in children. Favorites include ‘Folded Story’ where each child writes a sentence to add to the story as the paper is passed around or the use of ‘Story Cards’ where each card has an image, and the children use creative imagination to write a short story about it.

6. Recycle Paper To Write Letters
In this age of reducing and recycling waste, help your child achieve two objectives by teaching them to reuse and recycle paper and use it to write letters to their friends, teachers, and family members. Use gift wrapping papers, brown paper bags, pictures in magazines to start their letter writing journey. It will help develop an interest in letter writing at the same time engage creative writing skills.

7. Make Journal Writing A Habit
As the kids move on from primary school to middle and high there is a need to push them to write more creatively. Journal writing enables them to keep a record of their day-to-day life through their growing up years and guides them to use creative writing tools. The use of pie charts, drawings, cartoon strips, fun writing implements all makes journal writing a more interesting activity.
8. Invest Quality Time
Children love it when parents initiate fun activities. Make this a daily habit. Spend time with your child while reading together, writing fun notes and cards to each other, sharing life situations, and asking them to write their opinions.
As creative writing allows kids to use imagination and figurative language skills, I believe that making this a part of their daily routine will help them observe the world around them and write their thoughts on paper creatively using appropriate words.

About Samidha Raj
Samidha Raj works as part of the content marketing team at PlanetSpark, a platform that provides online classes to K8 learners on “New Age Skills” like, English Communication, Public Speaking, Grammar, Creative Writing, Debating, etc. She is passionate about empowering the youth by educating parents about the importance of 21st-century skills.
In her free time, you can find her watching documentaries or animated movies and organizing game nights (board games are her thing)!

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These are some great creative ideas. I like the folded stories and story cards. I bought some story cards from Amazon that were pretty fun.
That’s great. I am glad you liked the post.
Love these great ideas. I think using games as prompts is really clever. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your feedback. Glad you liked the ideas.
Great ideas! As a teacher, I love hearing about parents encouraging writing at home too! My son loves to create comic strips and keeps a journal of his daily activities.
That’s a fab idea, Heidi. Thanks for sharing.
These are fantastic strategies for kids to get into writing, and I loved writing when I was younger. I still do to be honest, and it’s what I am trying to build as my career now! x
That is great Eleanor. All the best for your career. Thanks for your feedback & for sharing your experience.
Great tips. I always make a point to do creative activities with my little girl, but these tips are fantastic. Saving this for later. We will have more mummy daughter time soon and I need some entertaining activities.
Thanks for those lovely words. Glad you liked the tips
I love these ideas. It’s so important to help our little ones with their creative writing.
Totally agree with you. Thanks for your feedback