Happy New Year to all my readers & everyone around the world.
Hope we all have a healthy, wealthy & prosperous 2022.
May we all come out of this pandemic victorious & we all get our normal life back on track.
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Well, we are in 2022 now and I am sure we all are hoping for a better year ahead. There must be many who must have already thought of what they will do in the year ahead. Have you made any resolutions for the New Year?
Many of us do make personal resolutions every year. But do any of us have any Parenting Goals for the year ahead?
How many of us actually have made Parenting resolutions? I am sure there may not be too many of us who make parenting resolutions. Many of us do not even know what Parenting Resolutions actually mean.

So for those who don’t know what New Year Parenting Resolutions are, they are normal new year resolutions that focus on the Parenting Goals which parents want to achieve in the year ahead.
And while you are here don’t forget to get our FREE Printable of Year in Review Planner & New Year Resolutions Planner & Tracker
I also have my very own Parenting Resolutions for the New Year 2022.
Let me share with you My Top 10 Parenting Resolutions for 2022
Table of Contents
1. Get more Family Time
In today’s hectic lifestyle we all have become so busy that we are unable to give quality time to our family. I think it’s high time that we keep some time just for the family. Sometimes even if we give time to the family, not necessary it is quality time. We need to keep our cool & enjoy each moment as it comes when spending it with our kids.
2. Turn off the gadgets
I think we all should consider a technology detox sometime. Today we are so much surrounded by different gadgets that we are just sucked into it. I think it is very important that to maintain our mental health & to maintain our cool with kids we need this technology detox.
3. Be more patient with kids
I feel it is imperative as parents that we are patient with our kids. Parenting is not easy & it can be very stressful at times. In such circumstances, it is easy to lose one’s cool & get impatient with kids. So this year I am going to practice to be more calm & patient with my kids.
4. Sleep on time
Well, tbh I am not sure if this exactly is one of the parenting resolutions but it is quite relative though. You know it is important as a blogger for me that I get some time of silence so that I can blog. So that means I blog in the night when my kids are off to sleep. That’s the only time I get to blog & do my work.
In the process, I end up sitting long hours at the night & which affects my activities for the next day & the cycle continues.
So, I think I need this to stop somewhere. Maybe that’s the reason I am including it as one of my top parenting resolutions.
5. Ask my son to do some household chores
Now before you tag me as some horrible parent who wants her kids to do household chores, hold on!
Most of my regular readers would know that my son is a teenager & not a toddler (that would be my daughter😉😉)
So I think it is absolutely fine for my teen son to help in doing some household chores. Not that he absolutely doesn’t do anything around the house. I just think he needs to do more age appropriate chores.

6. Get the kids clothes charity bag ready
Getting the kids clothes charity bag ready is something I have been procrastinating on for some time now. There is so much dump in the wardrobe now that it just can’t take any more. They need a new home, NOW.
Let’s hope I don’t postpone this resolution 😁
7. Do some activities / playtime with kids
Some things are better said than done. This is one of them. I try to get time to play with my toddler as I am a SAHM & I manage to get time to play with my toddler. But since my son goes to high school he is busy & when he is at home & has time to do activities with me, I get busy with dinner prep & stuff.
I want that to change from this year. I want to be there for my son too 💖
8. Take time for dear hubby
Somehow with all the parenting & household chores, I feel I am unable to give that quality time to my dear husband. For us, as parents, it is important that as we give time to our kids we need to give some quality time to our relationship as well.
Well, the point is even though we are around each other, it is important that as parents we also have some time just for ourselves when we are not stressing over or discussing our parental duties. It’s always great to find ways to spice up your married life.
9. Get a clean & tidy house
To be honest that is a bit ambitious for me to tackle at the moment. There are just so many other chores to do that this one is like a burden on the head. But nevertheless, this is also on my top list of parenting resolutions (even if that means picking up the same toy 10 times in a day – thanks to my toddler )
10. Plan a vacation
Going on a vacation is looooooooooooooong overdue.
The last we went on a proper vacation was in Feb 2020 when the pandemic had just started to show its presence worldwide. Never had I ever thought that we would witness such a pandemic situation in our lifetime. But we did.
This time will pass & I am confident that in 2022 I will plan a vacation and also GO on a Vacation. Well, most of you might also know that I am an expat in UK & originally from India. The last time we visited India was in 2019. So I am hoping to visit India this year.
And in case circumstances don’t allow me to travel abroad then maybe I will check some good tourist places in the UK, maybe Cambridge or Cornwall. What say?
Travelling after a pandemic will definitely be a different experience.
So those were my Top 10 New Year Parenting Resolutions for 2022. What are your 2022 New Year Resolutions? Do let me know in the comments.
I hope you have already picked up the FREE Printable Year in Review Planner & New Year Resolutions Planner & Tracker
I hope you like my content. Do comment below & give me your feedback. I am absolutely delighted to know your thoughts.
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This was such an interesting read. And so true. My resolution this year is to get my girl to help me with more chores and for me to have a little more faith. Fearful parenting is nasty parenting 😁🙂, isn’t it. We parents need to take a chill pill sometimes and have faith.
Absolutely agree with you Maddy. We so need to take it easy. Parenting need not always be work. I want to make my parenting more playful.
Thanks for your feedback 🙂
I’m not a mum but I really love these resolutions you’ve shared. Spending more time with family and less time on gadgets is defo on my list of resolutions for 2022. Thank you so much for sharing these! Xo
Elle – ellegracedeveson.com
Thanks, Elle for your feedback.
These are such great ideas! As as mom of the young kiddos I can honestly say sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I loved number 2 and 5 and need to work on that. Loved reading this!
I am glad you liked them. Thanks
I love these and all achievable too (well maybe not the clean house but we can all dream!) We have booked a trip for April which we kept saying we’d do one day and we’ve decided to stop saying that and to just go for it
The clean house one is a big feat for me too. Thanks for your feedback.
I’m absolutely with you on getting more family time and getting to bed on time – it makes such a difference
Thank you so much for your feedback.
These all sound like excellent ideas for happiness. I hope that they bring a Happy and healthy 2022 for you.
Thanks & I hope 2022 brings happiness to everyone.
Thanks for sharing lovely content. When I will become a parent I applied it surely..